In my mind, it's the rivers and the forests that the Teton herd moves through that makes them distinct from all other pronghorn on earth. This herd of 300 are the only pronghorn that travel through thick timber and swim swelling rivers like the Green and the Gros Ventre. Pronghorn like to see far and run fast, river bottoms and timber are not usual habitat for these hooved speedsters.
I am at the Murie Ranch right now, getting ready to pack deep into the Gros Ventre with my cameras. The Murie Ranch is truly inspiring, it's the former home of Olaus, Mardy, Adolph, and Louise Murie. Olaus was one of the first field biologists and was the first president of the Wilderness Society. I feel lucky to be able to base out of here, I hope I can help continue the Murie legacy.