Friday, June 12, 2009

New Video

The spring migration is over and I am waiting for the antelope to start birthing, it's been a great couple months. We made a short video for you, check it out if you have some extra time.

Right now Emilene is canoeing the Jago River in ANWR, hoping to catch a glimpse of the caribou migration. She'll be back in a couple weeks. I had to stay here in Moose, WY for the birthing season, Emilene watched the birthing last summer. I've been working on my computer here in my cabin a lot lately, here is a photo of my pad!!

Thanks for reading, best, Joe


Marjie said...

Cool video! Cool cabin (maybe cooler than mine)! Nice Miller cans on the Robins Nest's porch! Can't wait to see some "Prongie" fawns (sans coyotes). Jeff and I love the Pronghorn Passage!

Anonymous said...

Hello. My name is Lonnie Adams, I'm an Electrical Engineer from the SLC, Utah area.
I first became aware of the antelope migration and situation from watching it on TV (National Geographic). I have an idea that may improve the antelopes chances of avoiding vehicles when they have to cross roads. Can you get me in touch with Rick Ridgeway &/or Joe Riis? I'd like to visit and talk over my idea with them. Thanks for your help.
-L. Adams

JoeRiis said...

Hi Lonnie,
Thanks for the note and your interest. It would be great to hear your ideas regarding the highway crossings. Just so you know, there are plans underway to install wildlife over/under passes at critical road locations within the migration corridor. This is a recent development, within the past month or so. Send me a note -

Thanks Lonnie, Joe

Michelle Nowak said...

Emilene- just thought to check up on your blog and it was such a nice surprise to see the wonderful video update, and to get to see you! This is such an inspiring project, and so utterly important. Thanks!

emily setzer said...

Great job guys! Your project is fascinating and it's awesome to get an insider's perspective.