Sometime in the night I woke up to the sound of ice on the creek breaking. I grabbed my bear spray and held my breath, straining to hear any more sounds in the night and imagining the giant grizzly I thought must be crossing the creek to come get me. After a while, I realized the ice had only shifted as the temperature changed and I relaxed enough to fall back asleep until morning.
Though I was scared at the time, I relish that deep humility that comes from venturing into bear country, the feeling of vulnerability in the presence of another creature that is bigger, stronger, and keener than myself. Humility seems to be in short supply in a time when any mention of reconsidering our consumption of resources, slowing growth and development, or leaving habitat untouched is construed as a threat to our economy. I wish more people could spend a cold, dark night alone in a place like Bacon Creek, listening to the ice crack and holding their breath. That taste of humility can keep us in check, help us recognize the wonderful things we already have, and reveal our entanglement in a wild and complex world where human control is often a myth.
About a week later, with blisters on my feet, sores on my hips, and a journal full of notes I returned to Laramie. On Tuesday night the humility I carried from Bacon Creek was replaced for a while with swelling pride as I watched Barack Obama win his election as the new president of America. This is a very exciting time to be thinking about how the future in our nation may be shaped. I hope that sharing stories about the wildness of the antelope migration corridor will help protect it for upcoming generations (of antelope and people alike) to enjoy. I can't wait to get writing.
Thanks for making this blog. Really, really cool and inspiring... A great example of a *real* integration of art and conservation. And of the creative energy and vision in young people today. I'll keep checking in....
LLHi Emelene,
I've just returned from the Patagonia sponsored Environmental Film Festival held in Nevada City, CA last weekend. There I saw Rick Ridgeway's presentation Freedom to Roam and became enthusiastic about Patagonia's project to have migration corridors from Alaska to Patagonia. I saw your parents upon my return and you can imagine my delight when they told me about your project and your connection with Rick, and turned me onto your website and your blog. You fill me with hope and inspiration, and I thank you for it. I'll be checking in.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Dear Emilene & Joe,
We at Wyoming Wilderness Assoc. are thrilled that you have agreed to make a presentation of your exciting project at our Patagonia sponsored Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival which will be held in Sheridan, WY at the WYO Theater on Thursday, April 23rd, 2009. You will be our main attraction, along with a film called "Division Street" by Eric Bendick of Bozeman, MT. This film is about the fragmentation of our wild landscapes by our roads and highways and subdivisions, and how a new generation of ecologists, engineers, city-planners, and everyday citizens are transforming the future of the American road. Eric will also be featured on our program for a question and answer session following his film. We look forward with anticipation to this event.
Molly Clark
Wyoming Wilderness Association
I just read, and re-read, this post about Bacon Creek. Well said, well said...
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